


Wuling Primary School is situated in Yanpin Township, an area abundant in Bunun culture. Established in 1921, it is now 95 years old. The school has had seventeen principals since it was founded and every former principal fowsed his or her efforts on establishing a sound foundation for the broadminded and excellent tradition of Wuling. 

武陵國小校址位於武陵村,以豐富的布農族文化聞名。 成立於1921年,至今已有95年的歷史。 自成立以來,學校已有十七位校長,每位前校長都致力於為武陵的廣闊而優秀的傳統建立一個良好的基礎。
Since his arrival in August, 2013, Mr. Wang, Wu-rong, the present principal of the school, has been implementing the school’s long-mid term development plan and actively incorporating various measures in line with the multi-cultural society and the new national policy of the integrated curriculum for a nine-year compulsory education program. Those plans and activities aim not only to build up a happy and safe environment for children to learn in, but also to achieve the educational goal of whole person development through adopting new teaching methods, which emphasize diversification, creativity and activeness, and can inspire children to develop their multiple intelligences, and cultivate their potential. 

自2013年8月到任以來,現任校長王武榮先生實施學校的長期中期發展規劃,積極採取多元文化社會和國家九年義務教育課程的統整課程政策。 這些計劃和活動的目的不僅是為兒童創造一個快樂和安全的環境,而且通過採用新的教學方法,實現全人類發展的教育目標,強調多樣化,創造性和活躍性,並能激勵兒童發展他們的多元智能,培養他們的潛能。

The school covers an area of  23,652 square meters and now has 77 students. That means that every student enjoys a space of about 338 square meters. There is a Central Mountain Range next to our campus, and a baseball field on the campus, providing a good chance for students to be the excellent baseball players. 

學校佔地面積23,652平方米,目前有77名學生。 這意味著每個學生享有約338平方米的空間。 校園鄰近中央山脈,校園內有一個寬敞的棒球場,為學校培育出不少棒球選手。